
Which way is the water?

And, speaking of water, as we were last week, you’re in the middle of the Namib desert and you’ve run out of water. Fortunately, you haven’t quite run out of fuel, but you don’t know in which direction to drive to find a water source. What do you do? Next…

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Why is the Fever Tree called a Fever Tree?

Those of you who have visited Kruger Park will possibly have noticed a tree with a smooth greenish trunk. It’s an Acacia xanthophloea and is commonly called a fever tree. Where did that common name come from? In its natural state it grows alongside water and the saying goes that…

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Could your IPhone get you to the Moon?

In 1969, Apollo 11 landed the Eagle capsule on the moon, along with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. Michael Collins had to stay in Apollo 11 while the other two made the last part of the epic journey. Then Apollo 11 brought all three astronauts safely back to earth. That…

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Still playing with numbers

Can you quickly tell me what is the sum of all the numbers between 8 and 24? You’re allowed to use a calculator. Answer 272 How did I do that so quickly? The answer is (24 – 8 + 1)  x (24 + 8) divided by 2 That’s 17 x…

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