
What are bits and bytes?

Let’s start with a bit. It is the smallest amount of information that can be stored with numbers. It’s like a switch that can only be off (0) or on (1). Why is it important? Because that’s how transistors, and therefore computers, work. Each transistor is a switch that is…

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Fun with the number 3

How do you know whether a number is divisible by 3? Let’s take an example 154 642 587 984 Here’s the long way – Add the numbers up. Total = 63 Add these numbers up Total = 9 If 9 is divisible by 3 (which, of course, it is), then…

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The school hall

At last! We’ve struggled to find the funds to rework the floor of the hall. In the end, it was our patron who lent the money to do the job and Mr Ndimande who made it all happen. Mr Ndimande has a very demanding job as a mining equipment engineer…

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How many months are there in a year?

Helen and I are busy learning Italian and I was struck by the names of the last four months of the year. There are twelve months in a year. Right? Well now, if that’s the case, then why are the last four named Seventh, Eight, Ninth, Tenth? Don’t believe me?…

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How did English get to England? (2) Teutonic (Germanic)

Last week we talked about Celtic or Gaelic, which is probably the oldest surviving language in Britain. It was eventually largely displaced by Teutonic, or Germanic. This was the predominant language of Shakespeare’s time, with Gaelic surviving in Scotland, Wales, Ireland and Southwest England. Here’s a simplified indication of how…

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The thermometer and the barometer

The simple thermometer – for measuring temperature. As liquids heat up, they expand. This property is used in simple thermometers. The bulb contains most of the mercury (or alcohol) and the tube heading north is actually very thin and holds only a little of the liquid. As the temperature…

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Durban 2022

Another trip with loads of fun. Too many pics to post, so again, I’ve selected the best and put them into collages. Well done again Ms Dube, who took all the photos.      …

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The Mobius Strip

Can you imagine a strip of paper that only has one side and one edge? There is such a thing, and it’s called a Möbius Strip. Here’s how you make it. Cut a fairly long, thin strip of paper. Put some glue, paste or sticky tape on one end. Twist…

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Fun with hands and numbers

I find numbers quite fascinating. Have a look at the magic pyramid. That’s probably the most mind blowing of all examples. Here’s my second favourite, which also uses the properties of the number 9 – Multiplying by 9 with the fingers Let’s say you want to multiply 9 times…

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How’s your air quality?

When we moved to Knysna just over a year ago, we found a lot of differences between Jo’burg and our new home town. The weather is very different to that in Johannesburg (which is amongst the best in the world). It can be very cold in summer and 29 degrees…

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