Fun with palindromes, oximorons, spoonerisms and other quirks of the English language
Let’s have a look at some of them –
Oximoron – a self conflicting term
- Honest liar
- Pretty ugly
- Only choice
- Same difference
Onomatopoeia – A word that sounds like what it describes
- Buzz
- Sizzle
- Snap
- Hiss
Alliteration – words close together, starting with the same consonant, usually to create impact
- Dreaming dreams
- Bad blood
- Coca cola
- Mass misery
Palindrome – a word or sentence that is the same whether read forward of backwards
- Madam I’m Adam
- racecar
- top spot
- Red rum, sir, is murder
Tautology – an expression that says the same thing twice
- I went to see her personally
- Either you did or you didn’t
- Evening sunset
- Frozen ice
Malapropism – inadvertent use of a similar sounding word
- The police apprehended two auspicious persons
- The elephant charged and I was putrified
- I want to get my colours right so I’m going to call in an inferior decorator
- Now he’s retired he’ll just fade into Bolivian
Spoonerism – sometimes deliberate swapping of the beginnings of a pair of words
- The queer old dean instead of the dear old queen
- A blushing crow instead of a crushing blow
- It’s kisstomary to cuss the bride instead of it’s customary to kiss the bride
- I hissed his mystery class instead of I missed his history class
Euphemism – An expression substituted to soften the impact of the harsher reality
- “Load shedding” instead of what it really is “Rolling blackouts”
Doublespeak – language that deliberately obscures or distorts the meaning
- “Job opportunities” sounds like new jobs, but of course, it isn’t.