I’m glad I don’t have to learn English
It is, after all, an extremely difficult language. Consider this –
Banana. A word with 3 different “a” sounds in one word.
Pedal and petal. One pronounced “dle” and the other, with the same spelling, “tal”.
And these with different spellings but the same sound.
paws & pause
aloud & allowed
hair & hare
horde & hoard
kernel & colonel
knead & need
right & write
stationery & stationary (tip: remember pens and pencils have an “e” and they are station-e-ry)
chili & chilly
led & lead (the metal). Compare lead, the present tense of led.
lye and lie
piece & peace
one & won
two & too & to
for & four & fore
eight & ate
It’s interesting that there’s no such thing as a spelling test in Italy, because that language is spelt exactly the way it is spoken and spoken exactly the way it is spelt.